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Finansmarkeder bilde

Finance and capital markets

The financial markets play a vitally important role in the economy. Well-functioning financial markets are a precondition for economic growth and efficient allocation of society’s resources.

Menon’s team has both a solid grounding in financial theory and thorough economic understanding. Combined with our expertise in empirical methodology and our industry-specific knowledge base, this enables us to deliver high-quality analyses to both market players and regulators.

Our clients are private and public investors and creditors, such as banks, private equity funds and sovereign wealth funds. We also supply analyses and advisory services to the administrators offinancial policy instruments, such as ministries, directorates and municipalities.

Examples of services we deliver are:

  • Investment analyses on company and industry level oIncluding calculations of net present value based on risk-weighted returns and the effects of changes in the level of business and wealth taxation
  • Effect studies of regulatory changes oAnalyses of the effect on the supply and demand for financial services as a result of various types of financial policies
  • Evaluation and design of public sector funding programs oAssessment of whether market failures exist, including the extent to which public programs are likely to improve market efficiency
  • Market analysis of capital structures in Norwegian industries oComposition of equity and debt, including foreign direct investment in Norway (FDI), investments by private equity funds, other types of share issues, bank loans and bonds
  • Financial statement analyses of portfolio companies in investment funds or corporate customers of financial institutions
  • Calculation of firm level or economy-wide key figures including benchmarking against other market trends or selected comparable portfolios
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Phone: +47 909 90 102
Address: Sørkedalsveien 10 B, 0369 Oslo