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Landbruk og næringsmidler bilde

Food and agriculture

The agricultural sector is heavily subsidized and regulated in the Norwegian market. As an industry, agriculture plays an important role in the non-central regions of the country and helps to maintain population levels and value creation in the rural districts.

Norwegian food production is protected by high tariff barriers. Measured in value added, agriculture is a small sector in the Norwegian economy. Compared to the values created by the remainder of the Norwegian business and industry sector, agriculture’s contribution to the economy is negligible. For many, farming is a supplementary activity to other paid work in the private or public sector, thereby helping to maintain settlement in rural areas. An active agricultural sector is important in order to keep Norway’s traditional landscape alive and maintain the country’s status as a food producer. Many farms see additional commercial opportunities in offering local food products and activities aimed at tourists.

Within agriculture, we have looked at issues such as:

  • The significance of agriculture for the regional economy
  • Evaluation of the national electronic infrastructure for food security
  • Evaluation of loan and guarantee schemes aimed at the sector by Innovation Norway
  • Cost-benefit analyses of a potential alternative organization structure of the institutional sector under the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and food
Contact person

Sveinung Fjose

Partner (+47) 99048378

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